Graham Media Group launches new daily podcast


Graham Media Group is pleased to offer a daily dose of solace and hope in the form of a new podcast, "The Best Advice Show."

Hosted by Zak Rosen, veteran audio producer and Graham Media Group director of podcasts, "The Best Advice Show" is a daily, one- to three-minute podcast, sharing the weird and wonderful ways humans survive and thrive in these unpredictable times.

Advice includes managing email overload, parenting in the time of social distancing, what to do with your pasta water, how to stretch your back to release psychic stress, why eating an orange in the shower will help you jumpstart your day and so much more.

“I began working on this show months before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold,” Rosen said. “But now that we’re living in a new reality, the tenor of the show has evolved to consider this historic moment, and to hopefully help listeners remember that we all have ways to effectively make it through challenging, uncharted times.”

Each "The Best Advice Show" episode is built around a contributor offering advice, pragmatic and poetic, drawn from their life’s experience. These contributors include notable artists, writers and journalists, alongside listeners and some amazingly wise children.

“I need this show like I need hand sanitizer,” said Graham Media Group’s VP and Chief Innovation Officer Catherine Badalamente. “People are facing challenges they have never experienced before and 'The Best Advice Show' reminds us that we have each other to rely on, and that each of us has something to offer.”

The show will be available for download on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify and wherever else you find your podcasts.